- Traditional Habirah Yemeni shawl.
Anas bin Maalik رضي الله عنه narrates that from all the different types of clothing, the Prophet ﷺ liked a Yemeni shawl the most. It was of several colours
Sayyidina Anas bin Malik radiy Allahu ‘anhu narrates that The Messenger of Allah sal Allahu ‘alayhi wasallam out of all shawls preferred to cover himself with a ‘Habirah’ shawl (a cotton edged Yemeni shawl). [Sunan at-Tirmidhi]
These shawls are very versatile and a perfect companion for you in any season. Whether as a wrap for warmth, a scarf as sunnah or as a makeshift prayer mat on travels. Other uses include sleeping blanket, head covering, back support at events and even as decor at home.
*Please note due to the nature of these handmade and unique garments each one will have a slight variant and character of its own.
Dominent colours: Brown, shades of brown, green stripes, white
Material: 100% cotton
Make: Yemeni traditional
Approximately 2m x 90cm.
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